24 June 2021
10am CET

Join Almanac and contributors to the book Feminist Visual Activism and the Body (by Routledge) edited by Basia Sliwinska for a virtual book launch celebrating the work of (following the order of chapters) Hilary Robinson, Astrid N. Korporaal, Basia Sliwinska, Mario Hamad, Anastasia Murney, Alexandra Kokoli, Sera Waters, Paula Chambers, Brenda Schmahmann, Tal Dekel, Evelyn Kwok, Karen Cordero Reiman, Magdalena Górska, Nomusa Makhubu, Caroline Wallace.
When: Thursday 24th June; GMT 9-11am; CET 10am-12pm; HK 4-6pm; Adelaide 5:30-7:30pm; Sydney 6-7pm.
Where: Zoom
Join by clicking here
The event will include presentations of chapters and a conversation with contributors and the editor, Basia Sliwinska, followed by a discussion.
Feminist Visual Activism and the Body is available through Routledge, by clicking here.
Image description: A handmade sign that used the iconography of the female medic that was accidentally blinded by the police at a protest rally in Hong Kong in November 2019, photograph by Evelyn Kwok.