98weeks, Beirut, Center, Cherimus, Rongwrong, Shanaynay and Almanac
Winter Screening21 December 2013
7.00 – Cherimus
Andrea Canepari, Guido Bosticco, La biblioteca fantastica 2013, 5’;
Cherimus, Caro Giacomo 2012, Postumi (Hangover), 2012, 3’17”;
Marco Colombaioni, Matatu Project, 2010, 4’10”.
17.20 – 98weeks
Rania Stephan, The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni, 2011, 70’.
18.45 – Almanac
Francesco Pedraglio, Seriously now... Laugh!, 2013, HD video, London/Mexico City, 17’;
Neil Beloufa, Untitled, 2010, 14’57”.
19.30 – Center
NaEE RoBErts, Forecast and Careful Thinking, 2013, 3’41”;
De'Longhi Air Purifiers DEMO - International, 2012, 1’46”;
Andrew de Freitas, Fuckmeadows, 2013, 14’54’’.
19.55 – Rongwrong
Taocheng Wang, Reflection Paper No.1, 2013, 5’27”;
Taocheng Wang, Reflection Paper No.3, 2013, 7’31”.
20.10 – Beirut
Basim Magdy, Crystal Ball, 2013, 7’;
Malak Helmy, Records from the Excited State - Chapter 3: Lost Referents of Some Attraction, 2012, HD video, 6’54”.
20.45 – Shanaynay
William E. Jones, Finished, 1997, 16mm film, color, 75’.

Andrea Canepari, Guido Bosticco, La biblioteca fantastica (trailers), 2013, 5’

Marco Colombaioni, Matatu Project, 2010, 4’10”

Rania Stephan, The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni, 2011, 70’

Francesco Pedraglio, Seriously now... Laugh!, 2013, HD video, London/Mexico City, 17’

Andrew de Freitas, Fuckmeadows, 2013, 14’54’’

Taocheng Wang, Reflection Paper No.1, 2013, 5’27”

Basim Magdy, Crystal Ball, 2013, Double Super 8 transferred to HD video, 7’

Malak Helmy, Records from the Excited State - Chapter 3: Lost Referents of Some Attraction, 2012, HD video, 6’54”

Malak Helmy, Records from the Excited State - Chapter 3: Lost Referents of Some Attraction, 2012, HD video, 6’54”

Malak Helmy, Records from the Excited State - Chapter 3: Lost Referents of Some Attraction, 2012, HD video, 6’54”

Rania Stephan, The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni, 2011, 70’

William E. Jones, Finished, 1997, 16mm film, color, 75’