Anna Franceschini and Carlo Mollino
Cartaburro is a project by Anna Franceschini that stems from the research on a gaze. She delved into an architecture of allusive meanings that make up the imagery of Carlo Mollino (1905-1973), one of the prominent designers in post-World War II Italy. Mollino was an architect, photographer, engineer, alpine skiing theorist and pilot. His aesthetics emphasizes a seductive ambiguity of the body—architectural or human—and a fetishism for the object. This book follows a research which led the artist to create works showcased between 2018 and 2019 at Almanac’s locations in Turin and London. The corpus, produced with the support of Italian Council 2018, entered the GAMeC—Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea collection in Bergamo. This book stems from Anna Franceschini’s desire to look again at Carlo Mollino’s gaze. She delves into its erotic undertones, looking for parallels with her practice: the connections between object and subject, the observed and observer, the staging of bodies and objects and their performativity. The volume, designed by Joris Kritis, is published by Almanac under the publishing house Verlag Der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König.
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