
Almanac Projects is a non-profit organisation (an English-registered charitable Community Benefit Society) founded and based in London since 2013 with a sibling, independent project in Turin, Almanac Inn (an Italian-registered APS - Social Promotion Organisation, a charity). Almanac Projects and Almanac Inn are financially and legally separate with their own teams and priorities. They work independently; but as twins, also collaborate on several events and projects.

In common, both are dedicated to showing art in various forms and ensuring accessibility and involvement to people from all backgrounds, and in spite of their backgrounds, including those whose involvement, expression, and experience of arts is challenged by their socioeconomic, physical ability, geographical remoteness, neurodivergence, ethnicity, gender, class, age, and personal or educational experiences. This is done by engaging with ways art can become a part of the daily rhythms of life. There is an interest in exploring the borders of curatorial agency and the potential of cultural change through creative collaborations. Regarding the exhibition as an act of communication, there is an aim to facilitate dialogue as a way of opening up artistic practices to new registers of thought.

Almanac Projects, London

By focusing on solo shows of emerging artists as well as a complementary programme of free and accessible educational and artistic events, Almanac aims to support artistic research and development, and to provide a deeper knowledge of these practices to the public. These activities also form a part of our commitment towards stimulating public engagement and inclusion.

Visiting & Hours
Saturday: 2-6pm during exhibitions
for info or appointments: +447591681273 or guido@almanacprojects.com

Iceland Road, London, E3 2JP

Almanac Projects is a charity and community benefit society, registered with the FCA 8637; registered office address: 375 Brockley Road, London SE4 2AG.

Almanac Projects is managed by a board of trustees: Nicoletta Lambertucci, Störm Poorun, Guido Santandrea.
Founders: Astrid Korporaal, Francesca von Zedtwitz-Arnim and Guido Santandrea.

The objects of the society are to benefit the public; in particular but not exclusively by way of provision of exhibitions, workshops, publications, educational events, art facilities, reading groups, performances, and projects in order to: promote improvement, understanding, and advancement of education in, and appreciation of, the arts for the general public; promote research and knowledge of the arts and cultural activities to benefit the general public; promote equality of opportunity and access to the arts, to benefit in particular those members of the public from disadvantaged backgrounds, including by virtue of their ability, neurodiversity, ethnicity, class, age, educational, or socioeconomic status; promote the arts as a vehicle for further education and learning to benefit the general public.

Almanac Inn, Turin

Based in Turin, Italy, Almanac Inn is non-profit organization which aims to develop the artistic research of emerging artists, to promote art as educational means, and to facilitate exchanges between young international artists, the local audience, institutions and art professionals. Founded as a parallel programme to Almanac Projects in London, the platform is delivered as a series of residencies and exhibitions directed by critical research.

Visiting & Hours:

Thursday & Friday: 15:00 - 19:00
or by appointment writing to info@almanacprojects.com

Via Reggio 13, 10153, Turin, Italy

Almanac Inn is kindly supported by Fondazione CRT, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and Regione Piemonte.

Almanac Inn is an APS (Associazione di Promozione Sociale), CF: 97803260013, P.IVA: 12095600016, registered at: Via Reggio 13, 10153, Turin, Italy. Almanac Inn is managed by a board of trustees: Caterina Avataneo, Lucrezia Calabrò Visconti, Andrea Chieli, Maria Grazia Diana, Eva Fabbris, Elena Iside Pandolfo, Guido Santandrea, Vashish Soobah, Francesco Tenaglia, Marianna Vecellio.

Here you can view the public funding received from Almanac Inn APS/ Per visionare i contributi pubblici ricevuti da Almanac Inn APS clicca qui.

Font and Almanac logo by AlfaType Fonts.


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